New operation 9/11/06 Laredo TX
The Minuteman Project will be doing a 60 day operation in Laredo TX starting 9/11/2006 . On the five year mark of the Terrorist attack on the United States in New York City. It's called (Remember in November) to vote out the incumbents who were in office in 9/11/2001 because they still havent done jack to secure our borders...and had to be dragged kicking and screaming to put the National Guardsman on the Border...without weapons mind you...and as I write this LA RAZA in holding sessions in LA and American elected officials (Carl Rove speaking for President Bush, Former President Clinton, Senators and Congress ppl) are speaking at this event, The word illegal is not to be said in this room. They are selling out American soverignty lock stock and barrel
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