Saturday, December 03, 2005

Please put the Army here Mr President. (Three points Arizona)

FOOT TRAIL & dirt road from Sasabe Mexico into The Unites States

Trash in USA left by illegal aliens at least 5 miles wide, FIVE MILES!

Foot trail & dirt road into The United States from Mexico!

Three Points 40 miles up Rt 286 to the 5 mile (5 MILES!) radius of illegal alien trash. Located off Rt 286 from " (286 Sasabe is west of Nogales Mexico.) This is an evil place. There is no Police in Arivaca, and no phone services. Drugs and Smugglers period. This is American territory captured by terrorists. You can actually make out the human smuggler foot trails that run next to the dry washes at the border. Do not go into this area by yourself or without a couple guns.
Just google around this place (Eco impact) and you'll see the trash and feel the evil. check back for video. Extra extra read all about it!


Blogger Blogmaster said...

Minuteman of One is Now honorary members of Fla. and Ga. Minutemen. Hooray!

5:25 PM  
Blogger Blogmaster said...

I think the pock mark spots are camp fire spots from the illegal Alien insurgency?

7:32 PM  
Blogger · Anastasia · said...

What do you have against mexican people? i think you should start to think about them like persons instead of aliens, or the objects that paints your house and babysits your child. You are so sick, i am sorry about you.

10:18 PM  
Blogger Blogmaster said...

Anastasia,I have nothing against mexican,I have a loving wife of 32 years.SHE is the love of my life and she feels the same way ,just come to the u s a legal as she did.When i travel to mexico to her family i sign in and obey the laws of mexico,and i do not litter the county side with trash,PLUS I do not bring drugs ,that will destory my kids and your kids lives,ALL we ask is sign in at the gate yours truly mmofone,PS I have found the remains of humaans in the dssert,and i have saved 2 lives this year alone ,now does that sound like i hate mexican,not hardly,They are good people.awaiting your respond Can see pic of one life saved one this site ,view the remain of body on this blog goob bye

6:11 AM  
Blogger Blogmaster said...

Hi Anastasia ,please check out for the months of oct 05and see pictures,BE WARE THEY ARE HARD TO LOOK AT,one was about 22 years old and the other was about your age, please keep up with my work ,and feel free to to come and see,yours truly mmofone az

8:11 AM  
Blogger Blogmaster said...

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11:15 AM  
Blogger · Anastasia · said...

I am actually living right now in the united states LEGALLY, and i cannot find people with such values like latins or mexicans specifically. Please get this message: NOT only mexicans brings drugs to your country, but also from all over the world.And what is more, if your kids didn't ask for drugs, then there wouldn't be people introducing drug to your country. Just think about it. I am not trying to say waht you do is wrong or trying to change your mind. I am just telling you what i think about and how your stuff make me feel.

2:58 PM  
Blogger Blogmaster said...

Anastasia,you are right other people bring drugs to your and my country,but if we all work together just maybe we could keep the temtation away from our kids ,I truly do comend you for being honest to me ,I think that by what i read you are a fine lady,I gain great strenth when i save a life ,it is a great feel,but when i fine a dead person in the desert it brings tears to my eyes ,and i alway say a silent pray when i ride away,I support imigration ,and the border patrol and try to be very human when i fine any poor sole in the desert,so try to understand that when i report someone to the B/P,i may have saved his or her life ,both bush and fox,are the blame for the deaths we see inthe desert,we do need to control our borders.but enough for today /but i say welcome to AMERICA,MMOFONE

6:57 PM  
Blogger said...

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12:39 PM  
Blogger said...

Thinking people are good because of the color of the skin is akin to thinking people are evil because of their skin. It's always the most intolerant calling for tollerance, It's always the most offensive people that are the easyily offended, and it's always the the fat people eating everything in the fridge.

12:42 PM  

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